Hydrogen Stark broadening calculation for astrophysical applications
The Stark line profiles are calculated using the Model Microfield Method of Brissaud and Frisch (J. Quant. Spectrosc. Rad. Transfer 11, 1767 (1971) ) which allows to include in a natural way the effects of the motions of the plasmas ions.
For instance for an Hydrogen plasma with an electron density of 1e13 cm-3,
temperature of 10000K, and Lyman alpha line, you should put respectively 1, 2, 10000 and 1e13 in the different boxes.

The parameters must verify the Debye approximation : 0.09*Ne(cm-3)1/6/T(K) 1/2 < 1
To get more informations please contact Chantal Stehle or Nicolas Moreau